Common Fall Pest Invaders

Common Fall Pest Invaders

As the leaves start to turn, the temperature drops, and the days get shorter, there’s something else that starts to happen in the fall- pest invasions. As temperature and weather conditions change, different types of pests start to emerge looking for food, warmth, and shelter. Common fall pests like rodents, spiders, and stink bugs can quickly infest your home, damaging your property and endangering your family’s health. However, with the right pest control solutions from iPest Solutions, you can keep your home healthy and pest-free this fall and beyond.


Fall marks the time when rodents like mice and rats start to invade homes. These pests can enter your home through small openings in search of food, water, and shelter. Once they make their way into your home, they can cause significant damage to your property and expose your family to illnesses like salmonella and hantavirus. To keep rodents out of your home, you need to seal all openings and make your home less conducive to rodents’ survival. iPest Solutions can help develop a pest control plan that will keep rodents at bay.


Fall is the time when spiders are more active and start to look for mating partners. This is why you may notice more spiders in your home during this time of year. While most spiders are harmless, some can deliver painful bites that require medical attention. To keep spiders out of your home, you need to keep your home clean and clutter-free. Also, you may need to hire professional pest control services to apply spider repellents in and around your home.


Fall marks the time when ants start to look for food and water inside your home. They can enter your home through small openings, creating trails from the outside to the inside of your home. Once they find food or water, they can quickly start to reproduce and form colonies, leading to a major ant invasion. To prevent ants from entering your home, you need to keep your home clean and free of food debris. Also, you may need professional pest control services to apply ant repellents in and around your home.

Fall is the season when pests invade homes looking for food, shelter, and warmth. Common fall pests like rodents, spiders, ants, and stink bugs can quickly infest your home and cause damage to your property and health. However, with the right pest control solutions from us at iPest Solutions, you can keep your home healthy and pest-free this fall and beyond. With our professional pest control services, we will help you develop a personalized pest management plan that will keep pests out and ensure your home’s safety and comfort. Contact us today to enjoy a pest-free home environment all year round!