How Long Do Termites Live?

How Long Do Termites Live?

The lifespan of termites affects several variables. But generally speaking, termites can live around one to two years roughly. Okay, that’s longer than most people expect. Let us study the lifespan of these great survivors.

Let us take a look at the life of the termite in brief:

Termite life cycle: a journey that never ends

Blooming flowers and the return of warmer weather visualizes the spring season. But have you thought about what the insects go through at this time?

It’s time to explore then.

At the beginning of peak pest season, termites come out from their hidden spots and mate with each other. Moreover, these invading creatures find their way to our homes, making our life hell.

Nevertheless, let’s see their journey.

Life of a Queen termite

These termites are the ones who lay eggs. The lifespan of a queen termite is longer than the king termite. Feel surprised by the number of eggs laid by her. It’s approximately twenty to thirty thousand eggs.

Shocked, if yes, then proceed to know what happens next.

Eggs to larvae:

Eggs hatch into larvae. It results in three types of termites classified as workers, soldiers, and reproductive adults.

It happens due to environmental and other factors.


Workers are the backbone of a termite colony. They keep their civilization running by overseeing those day-to-day operations. They are construction workers, food manufacturers, and babysitters, all rolled into one.


As the same suggests, soldiers need to defend their colonies from the enemies. Workers and soldiers live up to two or three years.

Soldiers are blind that can be male or female. A nymph sheds its wings around three to four times to reach the adulthood stage.

Mature or reproductive adults:

Out of all the termite nymphs, only a few mature to become adults. Besides, the king and the queen are the only reproductive members of the termite colonies.

The fascinating thing about these invading creatures is their lifespan. The king lives for approximately one to four years, whereas the queen is the oldest member of the termite colony that lives for around twenty-five years or more.

Wrapping Up

It is tough to identify termite infestation after reaching full maturity. The queen termite has a longer lifespan, capable of causing considerable damage to the infested structures. Arrange for the property inspection at the first sign of termite infestation. Professional pest control services can destroy termite infestation no matter where they are in the lifecycle.