Keeping Bees and Wasps at Bay During Spring

Keeping Bees and Wasps at Bay During Spring

Spring is a time of renewal, with flowers blooming and insects buzzing around. While bees and wasps are important pollinators, they can also be a nuisance and even dangerous for some people. If you are looking for ways to keep bees and wasps away from your home and garden during spring, read on for some tips and tricks.

Bees and wasps are an essential part of the ecosystem, but they can also be a problem if they build their nests too close to human activity. During spring, when bees and wasps become more active, it’s important to take steps to keep them away from your home and garden.

Why Are Bees and Wasps a Problem?

Bees and wasps can be a nuisance, especially if they build their nests near your home or garden. They can also be dangerous for people who are allergic to their stings. In some cases, multiple stings can even be fatal.

Identify the Type of Bee or Wasp

Before you can take steps to keep bees and wasps away, it’s important to identify the type of insect you are dealing with. There are many different species of bees and wasps, and some are more aggressive than others. Knowing the type of insect can help you determine the best course of action.


Honeybees are important pollinators, but they can also be a problem if they build their hive in or around your home. Honeybees are generally not aggressive unless provoked, but they can become defensive if they feel their hive is under attack.


Bumblebees are important pollinators, but they can also be a problem if they build their nest in a high-traffic area. Unlike honeybees, bumblebees can sting multiple times and can be aggressive if their nest is disturbed.


Wasps are not as important for pollination as bees, but they can be more aggressive. Some species of wasps, such as yellow jackets, can be dangerous to people who are allergic to their stings.


The best way to keep bees and wasps away from your home and garden is to prevent them from building their nests in the first place. Here are some tips for prevention:

Seal Cracks and Holes

Bees and wasps can build their nests in small cracks and holes in your home or garden. Seal any cracks or holes you find to prevent them from building their nests there.

Keep Food and Drinks Covered

Bees and wasps are attracted to sweet smells and sugary drinks. Keep food and drinks covered when eating outside to avoid attracting them.

Use Natural Repellents

There are many natural repellents you can use to keep bees and wasps away. Some plants, such as mint and citronella, are natural repellents. You can also use essential oils or vinegar to repel them.


If you already have a bee or wasp nest on your property, you may need to have it removed. Here are some tips for safe removal:

Call a Professional

If you have a large or dangerous nest, it’s best to call a professional bee removal company to remove it. They have the equipment and expertise to remove the nest safely.

DIY Removal

If you have a small nest, you may be able to remove it yourself. Wear protective clothing and approach the nest at night, when the bees or wasps are less active.

Bees and wasps are an important part of the ecosystem, but they can also be a nuisance and even dangerous for some people. By taking preventative measures and removing nests when necessary, you can keep bees and wasps away from your home.