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Common Pests
of Central Texas

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Scorpions are nocturnal pests, so they hide during the day and are most active at night. They feed primarily on insects, especially crickets and cockroaches, and they also feed on spiders. However, they can survive for months without food if water is readily available.


Scorpions live in dry habitats, usually preferring deserts and semi-arid regions. Many species dig burrows in the soil and hide under rocks, logs or debris. During periods of hot weather, scorpions may enter homes through wall voids and take shelter in cool, moist areas like crawl spaces and attics.


Scorpions are known to sting as a defense mechanism or as a way to kill prey. Humans will usually experience mild symptoms that are similar to that of a bee sting, such as temporary pain, a burning sensation or localized swelling. However, there are a handful of species around the world that possess more dangerous venom, which can be potentially fatal to humans. The Arizona bark scorpion in the U.S. can deliver such fatal stings.
Waco Scorpion Control

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