The Life Cycle Of Bed Bugs

The Life Cycle Of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are insects that feed on the blood of mammals. They start out in life as eggs. These eggs have a grain-like shape and they are completely white, with one female bed bug being able to lay up to 500 eggs during its lifetime. Usually the eggs are laid in clusters, but they can also be laid one at a time if the female is not well-fed, and they will be laid in small crevices and tight cracks. The eggs are very small, comparable to a grain of salt in size, and they take about two weeks to hatch.

Out of the eggs, bed bugs will emerge in the nymph stage. Nymphs will molt five times before they reach maturity, and in terms of appearance, they look pretty much like adults, but they are extremely small. In order to go through each molting stage, the young nymph will need to feed on blood. If the temperature conditions are right, the nymph stage will last for about five weeks.

After that, the bed bug will reach maturity, and it will require weekly feedings. At this stage, the insect is sexually mature and capable of reproduction, and it will live for up to a year.

Signs that you have a bed bug infestation

If you start to notice bed bug bites on your body, then you can be sure that you have an infestation. The bites will leave small red bumps on the skin, usually grouped together in a straight or zigzag line. You may also notice some brown or red marks on the sheets of your bed, which are either droppings or blood from a crushed bed bug.

What to do if you have bed bugs

Because a bed bug infestation can get out of hand very quickly, it’s important to get rid of an infestation as soon as possible. Unfortunately however, these infestations cannot be handled DIY, since the products on the market are not strong enough to remove all the bed bugs. To get the infestation under control, you will need the help of a pro, who will use multiple treatments to completely destroy all the bed bugs in the home. If you would like to find out more information about bed bugs, or if you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation and want it removed, contact us today.