The Rats Infesting An Apartment’s Mailboxes Are Literally Chasing Away Postal Workers And Residents

The Rats Infesting An Apartment’s Mailboxes Are Literally Chasing Away Postal Workers And Residents

The Rats Infesting An Apartment’s Mailboxes Are Literally Chasing Away Postal Workers And Residents

Most people seem to agree that rats are not the most sightly of critters, and they have a well deserved reputation as carriers of disease. Ever since rats were instrumental in the spread of the plague several centuries ago, their image has not improved much. Unfortunately, rats are quite abundant in all regions of the world, especially in big cities. Rats dwell in all rural and urban areas of the United States. In the US, it is estimated that one rat exists for every person living in the country. This means that up to three hundred million rats exist in the US. Rats rely directly on humans for their food sources, which explains why they are so abundant within big cities. However, you would not expect rats to be abundant within an apartment building’s collective mailboxes, as such an area does not seem conducive to locating food. However, the residents of one Georgia apartment complex are no longer receiving their mail from the post office, as the mailboxes at the complex have become infested with a plethora of rats. Due to this infestation, postal workers eventually started to avoid delivering mail to the address, and many of the apartment’s residents cannot blame them. When things like this happen it can be frustrating and a huge hindrance to people who are in need of receiving their post on time. The best thing to do in this situation would be to call professional Pest Control services who can deal with the situation and eliminate the rodents from the area. This is much more hygienic than having to live in rat-infested buildings and benefits the building by limiting the amount of damage done to it. If this is not possible, setting up a virtual mailbox can help people receive their mail electronically and then decide if they want it in physical form or destroyed, you can learn more about this by going onto sites like US Global Mail, and seeing how it can be done for you.

Last summer, a local news station in DeKalb County, Georgia received a call from a resident who described a menacing rat infestation within an apartment’s mailboxes. In response to the call, one employee with the news station visited the apartment complex with a camera crew in order to carry out some investigative reporting on the matter. The mailboxes at the complex had been surrounded by foul-smelling trash, and residents claimed that the rat presence had been a daily threat to all residents for the past 8 months. Several of the residents had also claimed that a postal worker verbally announced his intention to avoid delivering mail to the address after he had literally been chased away by a few of the unwelcome rats. The postal worker said that the resident’s mail could be picked up at the post office. The on-site reporter requested comments from the apartment staff concerning the rat infestation, but the reporter was, instead, physically escorted off of the apartment grounds by security guards. After a long struggle to contact the post office about the matter, postal officials finally announced that they had been working on a solution to the problem, but the residents have been blaming the apartment managers for the infestation and its consequences.

Have you ever found a pest within your mailbox?