What species of spiders are common in bathrooms?

What species of spiders are common in bathrooms?

The United States is home to 3,000 spider species, which means that nearly every home, building, and structure shares its space with these eight-legged residents. While some area has more arachnid invaders than others, some areas can have some dangerous species like the brown recluse or black widow spiders.

Inside residential premises, you can spot spiders in basements, garages, and bathrooms. Yes! Spiders love moisture, making the bathroom a vulnerable place where spiders can live undisturbed and feed on various bathroom bugs and water.

Spiders always lurk around your bathroom, but how do they sneak in, and most importantly, what kind of spiders invade your peaceful bathroom?

Let’s find out.

How do spiders get into bathrooms?

Finding the way inside your bathroom is no challenge for spiders. They are usually small and can squeeze in through any tiny openings, such as cracks, small gaps, and other openings around doors, windows, air vents, and floorboards. They may also get in by following the plumbing or utility lines.

Spiders are sneaky critters. They favor dark, undisturbed areas and are experts at crawling around undetected. Without your knowledge, spiders can take the cover of the darkness in the night and slip underneath the closed door of the bathroom to give you an unpleasant surprise when you sleepily enter the bathroom the next morning.

What Types of Spiders Can You Find in the Bathroom?

  1. House Spider

This spider species are found in your bathroom all year round, but you may see an increase in their numbers in the autumn season when the male leaves their webs in search of females for mating. The giant house spider, as the name suggests, is pretty large and can run extremely fast. So, if you are thinking to escape from them, think again. Although they are not aggressive by native, they can bite if they feel threatened. That said, there is nothing to worry about as their bite is not poisonous.

  1. Daddy Long Legs

If rumors are to be believed, Daddy Long Legs can become extremely dangerous if their fangs could pierce through human skin and release their venom. But, thank Jesus, this is just an urban myth. Daddy long legs are named so because of their thin and long legs and small bodies., they can grow to a maximum size of 45mm. Although harmless, they can bite in self-defense. Their bite can leave a gentle burning sensation. You’re most likely to encounter these spider spiders in your cupboard. So, you better watch out before you open that cupboard to get that roll of toilet paper.

  1. Hobo Spiders

Hobo spiders prefer dark, damp places to hide, which makes the bathroom the most ideal location for them, along with a garage and basements. Inside bathrooms, you may locate them in ceiling corners and other warmer spaces. They are clever, as they tend to build funnel webs that can open at both ends including, an escape tunnel built in the back of the web that leads to some protected area for cover. Since hobo spiders are extremely protective of their egg sacs, they will not hesitate to bite if they sense a threat to their young ones.

Wrapping Up

To conclude, irrespective of the type of spiders you encounter, their presence in your bathroom can send chills down your spine. Unless you are a fan of the eight-legged crawlies, it is wise to remove any spiders you see in your house because certain spiders are very dangerous. So, if you suspect a spider infestation in your home, seek the help of pest control professionals immediately and get rid of them for a spider-free bathroom.