Why Your Yard Attracts Mice

Why Your Yard Attracts Mice

Mice are always on the lookout for food and shelter when they are out in the wild, and this restless searching may lead them to your yard. If they find something they like there, they will stick around, and soon enough, they will hop into the home. This is why it’s important to keep your yard free of things that will attract mice. Let’s take a look at some of these things.

Bird feeders

One of the main dishes that mice have in the wild is seeds, and bird feeders will usually be filled with seeds or other types of foods that mice like. This means that if you leave food out in your bird feeders for too long, mice might start snooping around.


Mice aren’t the cleanest or the pickiest of animals, and compost seems to be a big draw for them. They will often find food inside it and they will use it as shelter. As such, it’s important to make sure that you keep your compost safely stored and that you use it as soon as possible.


When entering an area, mice will immediately try to establish a nest, and they will need a dark, hidden place to do so. They will usually go for a burrow or thick vegetation, and it will take a while and a lot of materials to build the nest. However, if you have clutter in your yard, mice are able to skip this entire process and just set up inside the clutter.

Pet food

Mice will eat pretty much anything that is even mildly edible, but they highly prefer to eat pet food. After all, pet food is designed to be delicious to animals, and mice are omnivorous animals that can get a lot of nutrition out of pet food.

Unlidded trash cans

Mice are well-known trash dwellers and enjoyers, and if you keep unlidded trash cans in the yard, you will not only attract mice, but also rats, racoons and other unsavory guests.

By making sure that the items on these lists are not freely available in your yard, you can reduce the odds of a mouse infestation happening in your home. However, if mice do set up indoors or on your yard, you will need the help of a pro to remove them completely. Contact us today for more mouse prevention tips or if you have a mouse infestation that needs to be removed.